Getting the Help You Need To File Your 2021 Business Tax Returns

Are you a small business filing your 2021 federal income tax return? Working with a tax professional or accountant can not only help you stay on top of what you need as you file your business taxes but can also help you understand which deductions and credits your business qualifies for: Your Business If you are a sole proprietor... read more »

Goals You Can Set To Help Your Business in the New Year

As a small or mid-size business owner, you are likely joining many others who are setting achievable goals for the coming year. While it's common to set ambitious goals, it is also important to make them realistic so that they don't fizzle out from lack of steam. So be sure to make your resolutions achievable with enough time, energy and... read more »

Check Out These Essential Tax Strategies if You Are a Small Business Owner

Do you run a business being the sole proprietor? If so, did you know that you currently have no legal or financial separation between you and your company? It essentially means that when you try to get credit or funding, it will be tied to you, personally, and potentially impact your personal credit reporting, for better or worse. This matters... read more »